Love Letter to Public Radio

Hundreds of musicians, industry professionals and public radio stations across the country celebrated Public Radio Music Month this April. The month (which appropriately includes Record Store Day) was meant to remind people of the importance of public radio in our lives. PRMM crafted this 'Love Letter' to public radio on behalf of musicians… 

Dear Public Radio, 

Thank you for taking chances. Thank you for playing our music event when- especially when- it doesn't sound like everything else on the radio dial. Thank you for inviting us into your stations and asking us intelligent questions. Thank you for introducing us to some of the most important music in our lives, music that made us who we are.

Thanks, public radio, for being who you are. Happy Public Radio Music Month.

All month, musicians have been signing the love letter, including our very own Heartless Bastards. WVXU was just featured on PRMM's website for their four episodes dedicated to the subject. 

April comes to a close tonight, but we should continue to support our local public radio stations all year. WNKU and WVXU are vital to our growth as a music community. While commercial radio stations are focused on their reach so they can attract more advertisers, non-commercial radio is focused on their listeners. They may not be the most popular stations in the market, but they are the most loyal.
