The Cincinnati USA Regional Tourism Network has started a new initiative to Try It, Like It, Share It. Our goal is to generate awareness of the awesomeness within our own city! Our next mission is to find hidden gems that have a musical twist. Know a place that fits the description? Tell us about it on Facebook or Twitter and remember to use the hastag #LivinInTheCin. In the meantime, check out the photos from the official kickoff the other night. Courtney and Kelly got to have a VIP experience at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and York Street Cafe! They had a blast!
Livin’ in the Cin is the Cincinnati USA Regional Tourism Network’s (RTN) new initiative that taps into and creates a movement of passionate Cincinnati USA advocates. The goal is to generate awareness and excitement about the region and broaden residents’ perceptions of the area from a place they live to a place they should rave about to family and friends as a visitor destination. Find out more at