How do you feel about Hip-hop music aimed to inspire young people to learn, to read, to draw, to laugh and to think? That is what The Corner is doing and wants to take it to the next level.
The Corner is Hip-hop to the core: fresh rhymes and dope beats. But, it is different. This Hip-hop is for kids AND adults. Whether the song's about a missing sock, choosing a book, or feeling left out The Corner's music delivers on storytelling like a modern day Shel Silverstein.
The Corner have launched a Kickstarter in order to create a children's record and book. Literally, they are making a vinyl record for children. The gatefold of the record will be the children's book. They are also working on "The Corner App" and "The Corner Website." Both will feature ongoing quality video content for children that parents will not just approve, but nod their heads to.
Go give some dollar bills to and find out more about The Corner HERE.