• Review

REVIEW: Doin’ My Best - Corduroy Brown

Corduroy Brown is someone I have enjoyed watching where his music is taking him. A couple of weeks ago he asked if I could put a few words together for his upcoming single “Doin’ My Best,” and I obliged. From a near-death experience, it almost feels like he is rejuvenated, and with this rejuvenation has come some great music. Let’s get into “Doin’ My Best,” by Corduroy Brown.

Corduroy Brown is a trio. Corduroy on guitar, Chris Baker (bass, and a.k.a. The Kentucky Colonel), and Jacob Barr (drums and a.k.a. Water Buffalo). The three of them put together a rock and roll song. Through the guitar effects, hi-hats, and rolling bass the song wants you to turn it up loud, roll the windows down, and breathe “Everything will be just fine.”

Lyrically the song gets to something deeper. Like a lot of Corduroy’s music mental health plays a large role. This song is no different and is simply trying to bring positivity and good vibes. Which I think is quintessential to what Corduroy is all about. When talking about this song as well he sent me a message on Instagram that read “It’s called Doin’ My Best. It’s about how no one really has it figured out, we’re all just doin' whatever our best is. Sometimes that looks like a million bucks, and sometimes that looks like barely hangin’ on. Totally good vibes.” This is where I think this song truly shines in this message.

I think what Corduroy is getting at with this song is simply no matter what you are going through just keep pushing. We can all understand the trials and tribulations that life throws at us. Some of our own doing and some not, however, no matter how we slice the pie just do the best you can. It can be a slow walk but keep doing your best. He says in the song “We weathered the storm and somehow came up with nothing / guess I’m better than I used to be.”

The video for "Doin' My Best" was directed and edited by: Dylan Smith, and the director of photography was Sam Adkins. The video from Corduroy himself is a “mash-up between Indiana Jones and Sister Act.” Which I wasn’t sure what that meant, and after watching the video who knows how many times: it makes sense.

Corduroy has all the socials, YouTube, website, Spotify, and Apple. Music is a great expression of all things. With this song “Doin’ My Best” if it were just the title it would be self-explanatory because we all are, but roll the windows down and play it loud.