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Album Review: Warrick & Lowell Absinthe Nights

Absinthe is the band’s second full-length release, and where their self-titled debut was a little rough around the edges, Warrick & Lowell have polished the songs and sound up a little bit, and developed a sound that is newer and richer, but still authentically them.

  • Review

Review: The Grove - Drifting

“Music heals” – these two words preface the description in the press release for Drifting, the latest album from Cincinnati’s The Grove. The simplicity of this phrase belies a depth to the songwriting process that may not be evident upon first listen, but becomes much clearer as the underlying messages within the lyrics reveal themselves.

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Interview: Mac Sabbath

If you don’t already know Mac Sabbath, there’s not a lot that can be done to describe it, because if I tell you that it’s a bunch of mutant fast food mascots performing “drive-thru metal” versions of Black Sabbath songs, including the “Iron Man”-esque “Frying Pan,” it exactly describes what’s going on, but in no way actually impresses upon you what it’s like.