Courtney Phenicie's Profile

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Three Bands and a DJ are on tap to preform at The Rio Grande Jam

The Rio Grande Jam is this Saturday Night, August 26th at Murray’s Tavern, located at 4343 Kellogg Avenue in Cincy.

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Abandoned Malls of America Release Fancy Words for Failure

 AMOA have released the second single, "Fancy Words for Failure" from their upcoming EP, Brushed Gold!

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Want to Perform at Oktoberfest Zinzinnati?

Oktoberfest Zinzinnati is September 14th - 17th. Want to perform?
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Moonbeau Releases Bluegrass

Moonbeau have released "Bluegrass" from the upcoming EP Stressed Romantic!

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OTTTO and Bastardane at Madison Live

OTTTO and Bastardane are headed to Madison Live on Tuesday, August 15th!

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Sal Dali and Speed Walton Release Full-Length Album PEARLS

Grammy-winning producer Sal Dali and Speed Walton have released PEARLS, their first joint album.

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Colin Bracewell at Northside Tavern

Catch Colin Bracewell with Bear The Moon and Dearest at Northside Tavern on Wednesday, August 9th!

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Kendall Street Company at Stanley's Pub

Experimental rock group Kendall Street Company, are gearing up to perform at Stanley's Pub on Saturday, August 5th!

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Noah Smith, Andrew Hibbard and Michael Moeller at Fountain Square

This Friday, Noah Smith, Andrew Hibbard and Michael Moeller are taking over Fountain Square for Indie Fridays Powered by CincyMusic!

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Daniel Martin Moore and Brianna Kelly Stop at Commonwealth Sanctuary

This Saturday, Daniel Martin Moore and Brianna Kelly are playing at Commonwealth Sanctuary!

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The Regrettes, Malibu Wild and The Perfect Children at Fountain Square

 Catch The Regrettes, Malibu Wild and The Perfect Children TONIGHT at Fountain Square for Indie Fridays Powered by CincyMusic!

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INTERVIEW: Gavin Rossdale of Bush

Don't miss Bush at Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati this Saturday!